Our Partners

All partners have long-term experience as artists, cultural agents or project managers and in the promotion of young artists in the context of international cultural exchange.

The consortium is based on a long-standing cooperation in the context of previous trans-cultural and international projects.

Their activities in the development and consolidation of projects with circus forms – with a particular focus on social issues and international knowledge transfer – is an important resource for the aims of the »Flying Circus Academy«.

Babawatoto Centre for Children and Youth 

The Babawatoto Centre for Children and Youth was established in 2006. It is located at Mburahati kwa-Jongo in Makurumla ward, a very impoverished and densely populated suburb in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The Babawatoto Centre is aimed at empowering children, youth and communities on the fringes of society enabling them to overcome the challenges of poverty, crime and diseases by means of visual, performing arts, sports, vocational education and income generating activities. The services of Babawatoto Centre reach more than 200 children each day.

We envision a society where all children and youth realize their full potential in a society that respects their rights and dignity.

Our mission is to promote child protection and empower vulnerable children and youth through, advocacy and awareness trainings, arts, sports, and vocational education.

Our goal is to promote child protection, empower vulnerable children and youth to realize their full potential and enjoy their basic rights so that may become productive members of the society.

As an organization based on children rights, we capture a broad set of issues such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, health, the crisis of humanity but also cultural factors.

This is why we contribute to the protection of children from violence, abuse and exploitation with a particular focus on children without appropriate care, child protection in emergencies, physical and humiliating punishment and children in harmful work.

Our role in the »Flying Circus Academy« project is to implement one of the mobilites of the project, to select and direct the Tanzanian trainers to take part in the mobilities and to contribute in the realization of the final product of the project, the video tutorial.

Collectif clowns d’ailleurs et d’ici 

The Collectif clowns d'ailleurs et d'ici, founded in 2002, is a French association promoting a social and multicultural circus. It was constituted following the meeting between Det Khuon, artistic director of the Cambodian NGO Phare Ponleu Selpak’s circus school and French artists.

From the beginning, the Collectif's intervention is structured around four axes:

  • assistance with the creation of shows
  • assistance with the organisation of tours in Europe
  • training of the circus school’s students and teachers
  • the structuring and equipment of the circus school of PPSA

The development of the circus school, the improvement of living conditions and the professionalization of the young artists and technicians constitute the basis of the CCAI's missions.

CCAI is the French partner of the FCA project. The Collectif selected 4 French “senior” trainers after the dissemination of a call for participation: Camille Bancel (aerial), Marianna Boldini (acrobatics), Claire Jarjat (aerial) and Marc Verhille (juggling).

It is the relay structure between the French trainers and the other partners and will also be the welcoming structure during the last mobility in March 2018 in France.

Goethe-Institut Tanzania 

The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tanzania. We promote knowledge of the German language in Tanzania and foster international cultural cooperation.

The Goethe-Institut has a long history in Tanzania. The first office opened in 1962 and provided access to culture from Germany and the World until 1998. The office was closed due to internal reasons. After ten years the Goethe-Institut then re-opened in the year 2008 in Dar es Salaam. 

Our aim is to strengthen the cross-sector qualification of people in the cultural sector of the Goethe-Institut’s partner countries as well as to foster inter-regional and international network building and dialogue between cultural institutions and people working in the cultural sector.

The Goethe-Institut has in the past years partnered with local and regional organizations for capacity building in in the creative industries. It was applicant for the successful three year EU-Project FIT FOR LIFE: Educating vulnerable youngsters in the arts and creative industries in Dar es Salaam which prepared the foundation in Tanzania for the »Flying Circus Academy«.

Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPSA) 

Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPSA) or ‘The Brightness of the Arts’ is a non-profit Cambodian association improving the lives of children, young adults, and their families with art schools, educational programs, and social support since 1994.

Phare Ponleu Selpak believes passionately in the power of the arts as a tool for human development and social change and is dedicated to provide a nurturing and creative environment where young people can access quality arts training, education, and social support.

Today in Battambang, children and families still face many social problems. Children drop out of school, experience domestic violence, drug abuse, and migrate illegally to work in extremely poor conditions in Thailand where they face exploitation and abuse. We take a holistic approach to solving social problems through the arts, education, and social work. 

Phare Ponleu Selpak seeks to provide education, access to the arts, vocational training as well as professional pathways to the children and young adults of our community.

The Visual and Applied Arts School is the foremost program of its kind in Cambodia. Leisure classes are open to all, introducing children to painting, drawing, and sculpture. The rigorous three-year professional program gives Cambodians the chance to build careers in the Fine Arts, Graphic Design, and Animation.

The Performing Arts School gives local children access to circus, theatre, dance, and music. The four-year professional program provides a pathway to employment as a performer. PPSA alumni have gone on to perform and study around the world. Circus performances are held on campus every week.

Within the »Flying Circus Academy« we are responsible for the second mobility in Battambang and in selecting and guiding the Cambodian trainers and participants involved in the project.

Phare Ponleu Selpak Germany e.V. 

The association Phare Ponleu Selpak Germany e.V. was founded 2011 as a support association for the children's home of the Cambodian partner Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPSA) in the region Battambang.

The activities of the association aim at a lively youth culture exchange for the purpose of cultural education and is based on to the core competencies of the founding members – artists and cultural workers from Berlin.

The specific objective is to address the psycho-social needs of socially disadvantaged children and young people.

Since 2007, the founders have been implementing youth, trainers and artists exchanges between Germany and Cambodia supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany and the Department for Education, Science and Research of the Berlin Senate.

Since 2009, a further active partnership has been established for the purpose of youth work and cultural education with organizations in Tanzania, which was founded by the ‘Culture and Development’ Department of the Goethe-Institut e.v. and which exists to date.

Within the framework of the three-year project FIT FOR LIFE, nine young circus students in four different circus disciplines were trained by the Cambodian and German partners in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Tanzania branch at the Babawatoto Centre in Dar es Salaam. FIT FOR LIFE was mainly funded by the European Union within the framework of the Europe Aid program.

The current project »Flying Circus Academy« continues the work so far and keeps up the international and intercontinental partnership in order to furher develop reliable circus and percussion techniques to strengthen social skills of disadvantaged youths.

ufaFabrik International Culture Centre 

The ufaFabrik International Culture Centre promotes the engagement in culture through exchange and education. We combine local and international cultures and thereby create a dynamic field for the participation in the arts and culture for the young and old alike.

Almost every day, artists come together on stage at the south Berlin venue. The program includes theatre, music, cabaret, vaudeville, dance, world music, and children’s circus and theatre. Day events, seminars, and conferences on artistic, social, and sustainability initiatives round out the offerings.

The cultural centre supports young talents and young international productions. We provide working spaces, stage equipment, logistical support, technical know-how and professional expertise to the artists, groups and ensembles. The team at the Cultural Centre arranges contacts with international exchange programs, festivals, and institutions to give young artists access to the global stage.

In collaboration with partners from Berlin and around the world, we carry out projects which promote the creative development and encouragement of young people. The International Culture Centre ufaFabrik promotes committed culture, cultural exchange and cultural education.

As a project partner of the »Flying Circus Academy«, ufaFabrik selects trainers in order to participate in the mobilities and take an active part in the development of the video tutorials.

In the field of cultural education, and especially in the context of international exchange, circus art and the support of young talents, the ufaFabrik brings more than 35 years of experience to the project.

ufaFabrik also contributes organizational know-how to the implementation of the project. In July 2016, the Kick-off meeting took place at ufaFabrik and the third mobility in September 2017 will also be hosted by us.